
  • Streamline character creation process
  • Simplify vehicle modeling and animation
  • Efficiently build and design buildings
  • Create world props easily
  • Ideas

  • Develop a character creation toolkit with pre-built templates and customizable options
  • Implement procedural techniques for vehicle modeling and rigging
  • Integrate architectural design tools for easy building creation
  • Provide a library of pre-made world props with customizable parameters
  • Steps

  • Research existing plugins and tools for character creation, vehicle modeling, building design, and world prop creation
  • Identify pain points and limitations in the current workflow
  • Design and develop a Blender plugin that addresses these needs and improves the pipeline from idea to implementation
  • Test the plugin with different scenarios and gather feedback from users
  • Iterate and refine the plugin based on user feedback to ensure a seamless and procedural workflow